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Essential Self-Defense Weapons for College Students

Physical and sexual assault in colleges and universities is a harsh reality. On college campuses, more than 25% of women and 15% of men are victims of assaults. We can’t keep our kids in our homes all the time. They have to open up in this dangerous world. But what we can do is make them understand the importance of self-defense. Self-defense is an essential part of life today. You cant depend on a resource to protect you immediately, and you should be headstrong on your own. We have enlisted some fantastic and essential self-defense weapons that every college student must own.

1- Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is one of the most popular and most accessible self-defense products in the market for students. You can spray it in the eyes of the attacker. As soon as you stream, his eyes will start getting watery, and he will experience extreme irritation and pain. Temporary blindness will help you find a way out easily. You can also use this time to contact anyone and ask for immediate help.

2- A Personal Alarm

A personal alarm is a very convenient self-defense weapon for a student. It is a legal weapon to carry with you. It cannot cause any physical harm to the attackers, but it can help catch the attention of the people around you. Make sure to invest in a sound quality alarm that can emit a loud and clear noise that can be audible from a long distance. Remember, your attacker is always in panic mode. In this case, you using your alarm is a win win situation.

3- Stun Gun 

Stun Gun is a non-lethal self-defense weapon. There are two probes on one side, and you need to press them hard against the attacker’s skin to cause him an instant electric shock. This will not cause severe damage to the attacker, but it will cause temporary fatigue and muscle spasms.

Black Dolphin’s Self-Defense Weapons

We at Black Dolphins are working to provide the best self-defense weapons for you and your family. We understand how important is your safety. We have the world’s best self-defense weapons. These are high in quality, affordable, and non-lethal. These are best for you and your family. In a world where everything is unpredictable, you are never sure about your security. Make sure to carry a self-defense weapon with you. Let’s make this world safer and learn how to stand up for yourself.

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